Friday, July 3, 2015

Travel the World with Me: La Tante DC 10 Restaurant and Bar

Photocredit: PapJeff 

Location: Airport, near the Marina Shopping Mall
Price range: 10-40 cedis per dish
Cuisine type: Ghanaian (vegetarian options available)
Dress code: Casual Dressy or something thematic if you want to have fun with it!

*Full disclosure: Beau was not present for this adventure. It was a lovely friend-date with a girlfriend.  

This restaurant is a delightful twist on the traditional evening dinner. Instead of a traditional brick and mortar establishment, this venue has been created out of a refurbished Ghana Airways DC-10 airplane! It is definitely a date that will help gauge your partner's sense of adventure and explore topics concerning the domestic and international places you both have travelled in the past and where you hope to visit in the future!

After walking up the tarmac and ascending the airplane staircase you will find yourself in the belly of the plane.  To your right will be the bar and to your left is the dining area. Much has been done to preserve the look and feel of the old plane. The place has a bit more of a vintage feel as our much maligned,  yet beloved, Ghana (Maybe) Airways (hehe) ceased operation sometime in the early aughts.

The waiters and waitresses are gamely dressed as flight attendants. The seats are refurbished airplane seats but are quite spacious compared to what we are normally allocated on flights these days.  We picked a set of four seats which were set up to form a booth.  From the oval airplane windows we could see a little of Airport City.

I had heard reviews of the service as slow and the food as mediocre but I was quite happy with my meal and so was my companion. I had the tilapia and jollof while she had vegetarian couscous jollof. 
Overall,  it was an amusing time which I recommend for a fun date to break up any monotony. I recommend it more for the novelty of the experience rather than food although the food is perfectly fine. It is on par or better than Papaye  in terms of taste and price. 

Directions: Most directions list it as across from Marina Mall.  This is accurate but misleading as you have to access it from a different road. You cannot just cross the street and access it.  You have to drive through the airport as if you are going to the Landing Restaurant but then drive past it without taking the immediate right turn that leads to the Landing Restaurant.  The plane is huge and a cheerful green and will be located on your right after about a minute or two's drive.

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